我带着一本Insight into IELTS回家过年了。除了走亲访友、喝酒吃饭,我大部分时间都用来在线听BBC World Service和做雅思听力题。艾青的保姆是大堰河,我的保姆是BBC。听了BBC才发现美音原来那么难听,比北京胡串字说的北京话好不到那儿去。我最喜欢听BBC的女主持人的声音,优雅温婉,充满雌性,我可以感觉到在伦敦这个母体城市里,这些高大的金发美女,穿着黑色风衣,从街道上翩翩飘过……就这样在下雪的深夜,我像挑着酒葫芦的林教头,在英语的雪地上疾行。
Yesterday was a mixture of joy and frustration. I have got the first postion of my calss in the pre-IELTS which was held on last Sunday. To be honest, I haven’t been No.1 for 16 years. Last time I won the championship of college entrance exam in my local county and shared my great joy with my family and friends.
近半年来,我买的资料不计其数,我买资料只认外国人和国内名师。其中受益最大的除了《剑1-4》之外,那就是《How to prepare IELTS》,《Focus on IELTS》,还有张岳写的《平行阅读法》。为了提高写作,我把Economist.com上相关的文章打印装订成册,见到好句子,好段落,就抄写下来。口语在CS老师指导下,试着把自己的个人经历和感受融合到话题中去。
Suddenly, the moon has found me. She is hanging over the high sky and smiling to me in a mixed manner of irony and sympathy. I am startled. Settling myself down on a chair, I light a cigirate. Darkness is burnt however makes not a stir. Some pieces of poetry are just drifting into my mind. “Stuck by this precious hour and beautiful scenery, I can do nothing.”
When shall I forget about this poor state of being? When shall I escape from this mean life? When shall you come, my redeemer, my little fairy narrator? If you arrive, how could you address yourself? I just wonder.
I am lost totally and apparently. Now tell me, when I shall be found? The quetion I ask;the answer I know not.