其实我有两个版本,一本是原版的四大悲剧,一套是外研社出版的《莎士比亚注释丛书》。两个版本各有优劣,想来想去,我决定两者都带。不过《莎注》我只带《哈》、《麦》、《李》,《奥赛罗》我不喜欢。再带一本《罗米欧与朱丽叶》。和菜头说说在阴冷的冬天一边啃着烤土豆,一边吟诵:potato,or not potato, that is a question。我不能让Y预言落空。
Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs,
you look like a world,lying in surrender.
My rough peasant’s body digs in you
and makes the son leap from the depth of the earth.
Lolita. light of my life,fire of my loins. My sin,my soul.Lo-lee-ta:the tip of the tongue taking a trip of threee steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teech. Lo. Lee. Ta.
我带着一本Insight into IELTS回家过年了。除了走亲访友、喝酒吃饭,我大部分时间都用来在线听BBC World Service和做雅思听力题。艾青的保姆是大堰河,我的保姆是BBC。听了BBC才发现美音原来那么难听,比北京胡串字说的北京话好不到那儿去。我最喜欢听BBC的女主持人的声音,优雅温婉,充满雌性,我可以感觉到在伦敦这个母体城市里,这些高大的金发美女,穿着黑色风衣,从街道上翩翩飘过……就这样在下雪的深夜,我像挑着酒葫芦的林教头,在英语的雪地上疾行。
Yesterday was a mixture of joy and frustration. I have got the first postion of my calss in the pre-IELTS which was held on last Sunday. To be honest, I haven’t been No.1 for 16 years. Last time I won the championship of college entrance exam in my local county and shared my great joy with my family and friends.
近半年来,我买的资料不计其数,我买资料只认外国人和国内名师。其中受益最大的除了《剑1-4》之外,那就是《How to prepare IELTS》,《Focus on IELTS》,还有张岳写的《平行阅读法》。为了提高写作,我把Economist.com上相关的文章打印装订成册,见到好句子,好段落,就抄写下来。口语在CS老师指导下,试着把自己的个人经历和感受融合到话题中去。
Suddenly, the moon has found me. She is hanging over the high sky and smiling to me in a mixed manner of irony and sympathy. I am startled. Settling myself down on a chair, I light a cigirate. Darkness is burnt however makes not a stir. Some pieces of poetry are just drifting into my mind. “Stuck by this precious hour and beautiful scenery, I can do nothing.”
When shall I forget about this poor state of being? When shall I escape from this mean life? When shall you come, my redeemer, my little fairy narrator? If you arrive, how could you address yourself? I just wonder.
I am lost totally and apparently. Now tell me, when I shall be found? The quetion I ask;the answer I know not.
看不过眼 @ 2006-8-21 3:18:48 i listened to it dozen times n tried to write down the script completely. Hope my effort can help you guys understand it better.
( dun laugh at me, i am not really good at this)
China’s economy is expanding fast, but its militay expanding is going faster.
Robert Captlin, who teaches at the US Navy Acedemy , says it is going to change the balance of power in Asia.
“China is re-emerging totally legitimately as a great economic power and throughout history when large countries emerged as great economic powers, military might follow. ”
And that’s got the Pentagon worried while the White House is upset with the war on terror. US Defence Secrect Donald Ramsfield says that China spends a lot on arms secretly. He believes it is now the world’s biggest military spender after US and Russia. Robert Captlin again.
” The Chinses defence budget has been growing in double digits relative to the total economy for years now. That in all of itself shows dramatic rises in defence spending that are not across the board are extremly well-targeted by not just diesel but nuclear power, submarines, make investements in missile technology that can hit moving targets it sees”.
“It’s better for you to shut up and keep quiet. it’s much much better .”
Rebus language from one of China’s most senior diplomats Sha Zukang, China ambassor to the UN in Geneva. In a far from inscrutable interview for the BBC, he said he is tired of lectures on defence spending, expecially lectures from Washington.
“What I want to tell you is that are you the number one? Is it true that you have almost 50% of the world’s military budget? And China’s population is six times or five times that of the United States. Why blame China? No! Forget it. It’s high time to shut up! It’s US sovereign right to do whatever they think good for them. But don’t tell us what is good for China. Thank you very much.”
So, why is China spending so much on its military,particularily, its navy? Analysis’ say the reason is tied up with the central-formed policy preoccupation–Taiwan.
“Taiwan prepares its defences, China’s exercises off the coast have begun.”
10 years ago China launched a huge military excercise in a spat over Taiwanese move towards independence. President Clinton sent two aircraft carriers to warn the Chinese off. Robert Captlin says that incident focused the minds of Chinese military planners, that’s changing the rules of the game for America.
“In Iraq, we’ve seen the low end of ancient method of warfare. The Chinese are about to teach us many lessons in the coming decade in the high end. Remember, the United States’ navy has been used to going completely unchallenged. That is gonna change, because the Chinese are investing heavily in submarines and missile technology that can essentially lock the United States out of the Taiwan straits.”
That won’t mean the Chinese navy could defeat the Americans, but they could constrain them.
Ambassdor Sha’s unequivocal that it’s a cause for which China will go to the war.
“The moment of taiwan’s declaire of independence supported by whoever,China will have no choice. We will do the business through whatever means available to my government. Nobody should have illusion on that. We will do the business at any cost, ”
“So high price to pay…
“You are right, you are right. You know, I said at any cost. It’s not a matter of how big taiwan is,but for China,one inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people.We will never concealed that.”