Archive for the ‘写作’ Category

Apple iPhone 4S / 5 event live blog | This is my next liveblog

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Apple iPhone 4S / 5 event live blog | This is my next liveblog


@neso: 很好,iPhone 4S.明天我们就可以在北京街头听到这样的聊天:“哥们,听说了么?iPhone都开4S店了!”

RT @StonyWang: 既然4S是定局了,我说一下听说的苹果产品策略:基本上产品就是2年一个周期,1年换外观为主,1年升级硬件为主。特别是手机,运营商合同都是2年的,所以他们要拖住用户在24个月左右升级而不是1年后就升级。定价策略是新产品出,老产品降价,基本不会随着时间漫漫降价这种。

@kcome: 错过一次apple event最大的损失不是晚几个小时知道消息,而是缺少了一次吐槽锻炼吐槽实时交流的几乎。错过一次就少升两级,so结果是差异显著的~~ 233

@suika1986: 为什么我觉得iPhone 4S的所谓全新功能,都是电视购物广告上那些国产手机的标配?

@kegns: 跟iPhone4S说一句"shizhao" 直接给你打开罢免案页面…..


把《出师表》翻成日语再翻回来,人类已经不能阻止它卖萌了! | 我们爱讲冷笑话

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

把《出师表》翻成日语再翻回来,人类已经不能阻止它卖萌了! | 我们爱讲冷笑话




协议控制是什么? VIE是什么?_资料存档_百度空间

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

协议控制是什么? VIE是什么?资料存档百度空间



2011版Kindle slim开箱——极限轻薄的E-ink阅读器(更新4.01 update 局部刷新控制) – iPad Kindle & 平板设备 – Geek社区,真实的分享 – Powered by Discuz!

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

2011版Kindle slim开箱——极限轻薄的E-ink阅读器(更新4.01 update 局部刷新控制) – iPad Kindle & 平板设备 – Geek社区,真实的分享 – Powered by Discuz!




Monday, October 3rd, 2011




China’s Bullet Trains Trip on Technology –

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

China’s Bullet Trains Trip on Technology –

RT @akid_: 华尔街日报今天的文章说,动车事件的原因是:“本地工程师没有完全理解采用进口原件的高铁控制网络——包括防止列车追尾的信号系统” 这是采访了十多位中外铁路专家后的结论


Occupy Wall Street protest: NYPD accused of heavy-handed tactics

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protest: NYPD accused of heavy-handed tactics:

Force criticised by protesters, who claim they were deliberately led on to road before being penned in and arrested

The New York police department has come under criticism for heavy-handed tactics during the Occupy Wall Street march over Brooklyn bridge, after more than 700 protesters were held for several hours.

Activists, as well as commentators following the protest against inequality and corporate excess, claim the response of the city’s police force to the peaceful event was vastly out of proportion. Almost 1,000 people have been arrested in two weeks – substantially more than the number of financiers who led the world into the 2008 economic meltdown.

As Salman Rushdie put it in a tweet: “The world’s economy has been wrecked by these rapacious traders. Yet it is the protesters who are jailed.”

The march began on Saturday afternoon in Zuccotti Park, the Manhattan the base of the core of 200 or so OWS demonstrators. By the time it reached Brooklyn bridge it had swollen to several thousand.

Accounts vary as to how about 500 protesters ended up on one lane of the road across the bridge, where they were all penned in with orange netting and arrested. Some accused the police of leading them on to the road as a sort of trap.

Video clips posted on YouTube, showing a small body of officers marching on to the road ahead of the mass of demonstrators, appeared to support this view.

But the NYPD rejected those claims, saying that many warnings were given by police to protesters to stay on the pedestrian walkway that runs across the bridge at a level above the road. Paul Browne, the deputy commissioner, said protesters were clearly told that if they went on to the road they would be arrested. “Some complied and took the walkway without being arrested. Others proceeded on the Brooklyn-bound vehicular roadway and were,” he said.

The police version of events was supported by some protesters.

Malcolm Harris, a blogger who took part in the march, tweeted that the police were wrong-footed. “The police didn’t lead us on to the bridge. They were backing the fuck up.”

Other participants suggested the confluence of so many on the road was a misunderstanding. Robert Cammiso, 48, told the Associated Press: “We were supposed to go up the pedestrian roadway. There was a huge funnel, a bottleneck, and we couldn’t fit. People jumped from the walkway on to the roadway. We thought the roadway was open to us.”

The NYPD was accused of over-weening behaviour towards the protesters once they were “kettled” on the bridge. Video footage showed police grappling with protesters and strong-arming them away, despite no apparent signs of violence.

The same footage shows the arrest of a young woman or girl wearing a cloth hat. Her age is not clear – she could be as young as 13 or as old as 20 – but the crowd clearly thought she was a child and chanted: “Shame, shame, shame.”

Others chanted: “You can’t arrest an idea” and “Let us out, let us out.”

The Battle of Brooklyn Bridge, as some dubbed it, came as protests begun in Manhattan spread across America. There were smaller but substantial demonstrations over the weekend in Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Denver, Washington and several other cities. In New York, most of those arrested were released early on Sunday with a citation for disorderly conduct. Brooklyn bridge was reopened by late evening, but the dramatic scenes there and the prevailing feeling that the police action was excessive are only likely to fuel the demonstrations as they carry on this week. © 2011 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds

(Via The Guardian World News)


盘点数学里十大不需要语言的证明 – 死理性派 – 果壳网

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

盘点数学里十大不需要语言的证明 – 死理性派 – 果壳网

