不能太中国化,那样外国领导人听不懂;也不能太国际化,那样差不多等于班门弄斧,也不符合「讲好中国故事」的政治要求。所以,要掌握一个度。有古琴的地方,也有大提琴。有越剧的地方,也有小提琴,虽然是五声音阶的洪流,但有两个现代舞演员的肢体烘托,老外应不难懂。至于廖昌永和小女孩一起唱 I and My Country,这可能属于规定动作。吸收「林妙可事件」的教训,这次张艺谋找来杭州大关小学的一个小女孩真唱。当然,如果大叔和小女孩的组合唱的是一曲《悬崖上的波妞》就更好了。
As you have refused to let me transfer the domain name baibanbao.net to other registrar, I have no other choice but submit a complaint to ICANN.(Complaint entry)
According to the regulations of ICANN, you have to give the owner the EPP code within five days after he request.
Please do it otherwise I will keep on complaining to the ICANN and I will tell the story of my unhappy experience with 1and1.
With regards to your concern. We would like to inform that we cannot transfer a domain if it is already on a cancelation status. What we suggest is that you purchase a new package where we can request from our higher department to renew your domain and after that you can transfer the domain away and please refer to this link on how to get your authorization or EPP code. Thank you.