KJV小贴士: 认识第二人称代词thou, thee, thy和ye, you, your


也就是:thou, thee, thy, ye, you, your…


And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
Genesis 3:11

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3:15

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all those things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6:33


在汉语中,「你」和「你们」是有分别的,在西班牙语 (“tú” 和 “vosotros”), 法语 (“tu” 和 “vous”), 德语 (“du” 和 “ihr”) 中也是如此。唯独现代英语第二人称才不分单复数。很多情况下,这不成问题,就像我们读现代英语没有感觉到有什么不对。但在另外的情况下,这会对理解部分经文造成歧义,如果用现代英文表达,读者可能分不清楚圣经里的话是对一个人说的,还是对多个人说的。例如: Exodus 4:15, Exodus 29:42, 2 Samuel 7:23, Matthew 26:64, Luke 22:31–32, John 3:7, 1 Corinthians 8:9–12, 2 Timothy 4:22, Titus 3:15, Philemon 21–25.


| 分类 | 主格 | 宾格 | 所有格 | 所有格名词形式 |
| 单数  | thou | thee | thy * | thine |
| 复数  | ye | you | your | yours |
| 现代英语  | you | you | your | yours |
| 对照第一人称| I | me | my | mine |

  • 注: 当名词是元音或者h开头时,第二人称所有格不能用thy,而要用 thine


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One Response to “KJV小贴士: 认识第二人称代词thou, thee, thy和ye, you, your”

  1. doubleaf says:


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