The best column article ever written. Nobody Understands Debt by Paul Krugman.

The best column article ever written. Nobody Understands Debt by Paul Krugman.

Why we need columnists?

Once I asked a friend who is a programmer and geek: “Do you read columns in Chinese?”

“Seldom do I read these stuff. Though you are a columnist, I have to say, most columnist are cheaters and not worth of a dime. “

His answer really discouraged me. But I think he is right. Many columns published on newspapers and magazines, only few are worth of reading.

But in the world of English language, this is not true. Columnists enjoy a large scale readership. Their opinions are not only powerful enough to change the public opinion but also change the policies of government.

Mr. Paul Krugman-the Nobel Prize for economics winner, is a good example. His column in the New York Times is so popular that some readers claim that the only reason to subscribe the Times is to read his OP-ED.

On the debt issue of USA, nobody see more clearly than Mr. Krugman does. His article decipher the myth and misunderstanding of state debt is easy to understand and inspiring. To read a column article like this is like to drink a cup of good wine.

Let’s enjoy it and follow the example of it. This essay is so beautifully written and worth of repeated study.

So, enjoy the real column and change your prejudice of columnists.


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