
Chinese man held over killing sex slaves locked in basement | World news | guardian.co.uk

Man **allegedly **raped six women held hostage in rooms he had dug under rented apartment, local newspaper reports。


1.1 Produced in court, brought forward or adduced as legal ground, or as a reason.

   1613 Shakes. Hen. VIII, ii. iv. 225 The sharp thorny points Of my alleadged reasons.    1689 Tryal of Bish. 26 The Fact alleadged in the Commitment.    1790 Paley Hor. Paul i. 4 The coincidences alleged.    1840 Hood Up Rhine 326 The alleged reason for my recall.    1844 Lever Tom Burke xxxiv. (1857) 324 The charges alleged against me.

2.2 Cited, quoted (properly as an authority).

   c 1449 Pecock Repr. iii. xvii. 391 Poul also in his alleggid text.    1559 Morwyng Evonymus Pref., The authors alledged in this Boke.    1656 Bramhall Replic. iii. 149 The Author alledged, doth testifie.    1836–7 Sir W. Hamilton Metaph. xxxvii. II. 334 Which Aristotle has so well illustrated in the passage alleged to you.

3.3 Asserted as capable of proof; hence, asserted but not yet proved; or, asserted but not admitted.

   a 1674 Clarendon Hist. Reb. I. iii. 139 All the particulars alleadged.    1828 Scott F.M. Perth III. 241 During his alleged illness.    1855 H. Spencer Psychol. (1872) I. iv. iii. 420 This alleged explanation‥is simply a disguised mode of shelving them as inexplicable.    1876 Freeman Norm. Conq. I. 734 The alleged parentage of her son was generally doubted.

It described the rooms the women ate, slept and defecated in as **dank **and smelly.

**dank **


†1.1 Wet, watery, wetting: a.1.a said of dew, rain, clouds, water, etc. Obs.

b.1.b said of marshes, fens, soaking ground, humid tropical forests, and the like.

2.2 Damp: with the connotation that this is an injurious or disagreeable quality. a.2.a of fog, vapour, the air, weather, etc.



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