



当时,为了不让亲人担心(我小妹妹会看我的博,然后把重大事项汇报给我妈),我一直没有在BLOG上说这事,但是心里是在憋不住,就用英文记下了当时的感受,贴到我一个废弃的博上,叫《断臂的日子》The Arm-broken Days




The Arm-broken Days

Chapter One

If something is doomed to happen, nothing could stop it.

When I hurried riding on my bike and thrusting to the restaurent located in the Quyuanfenghe park near the West Lake. I knew clearly that I would be drunk. Besides, I knew that I would come back by bicycle.

Everything is neatly planed. The banquet was very luxious which costed 5000 yuan per table. The guests were very happy. We drank a lot of imported wine. And finally I was drunk.

Generally, when I drink with my friends, classmates or lovers, I don’t need to worry about anything. They will take care of me, laying me down on the bed, carrying me on the back, and sitting by my side to watch me sleeping soundly.

But this time is different. There were so many acquitance, but no friens, none. So after the dinner, when I said goodbye to all the colleagues, they didn’t care about what kind of vehicle I was going to take. As a consquence, I was uncovered by any shelter of friendship even though I was very drunk.

I remembered that I sat on a bench of the park in darkness, shouting, and maybe singing. But no one looked after me. I was exposed in the danger of the nature.

I found my bike near the gate of the park. The bike is quite new and strong enough to carry two heavy men like me. The rest is noise which I only remembered very vaguely. I speeded up along the Beishan Road, like a lamb rushing to the slaughter land.

In order to avoid cars I decided to change my route to the pavement. But I forgot one thing. The pavement is higher than the motorway, about 15cm higher. In my misty eyes and slumbering mind, I ignored the height and thought that the pavement and the motorway is on the same flat.

No sooner than that I tried to remedy this vital fault, I threw myself on the stone floor of the pavement. I must have murmured God after I found my forehead was bleeding. Terrible, terrible, most terrible, I could not stand up. I lost my consciousness.

Chapter Two

I don’t have much confidence of the goodness of my fellow Chinese. Indeed in a country where deception is everywhere and good will is often abused, you cannot rely upon someone like the Good Samarian. When my arms was grasped and my body was erected, I felt a little puzzled.

Two men, I remember clearly, kept asking me questions.

“Do you want a ambulance? “ they asked.“Yes, please.” I answered while trying to clean the blood in my eyes.

“Ambulance will charge you 200 yuan. Do you have enough money?” they kept asking.“Yes, I know and I have money.”

I heard they called the emergency call 120. “Hello,, we have a situation. A man hit himself on the ground and hurt badly. Would you please send an ambulance to Duanqiao?” Duanqiao, literally means a broken bridge.

At least ten minutes passed, the ambulance had not come. One man suggested that he would help me to park my bike on the parking site of a famous café nearby. I gladly agreed to this brilliant idea. Although I was still half unconscious, I understand well that this solution is the best. The café opens 24 hours per day. Parking outside it is safe enough.

The expensive ambulance hadn’t come. We got impatient. Finally, someone of us suggested to take a taxi to the hospital directly. My two patrons called 120 again to cancel the order which is a necessary step in this situation, otherwise, they will charge the caller according to the mobile phone number recorded in their system.

Obviously my head is covered with blood. I didn’t know why the taxi driver would like take me to the hospital and I couldn’t remember if I had paid him or not. The next scene in my memory is that I called one of my intimate friend Xiaodao to go to the hospital. You should have several buddies in a big city who will take care of you at any time when you suddenly becomes invulnerable.

If you don’t have a helping hand, to walk into the emergency clinic would be a disaster at night. Countless paper work and billing work will drive you walk continuously from one unit to another. Even a healthy person will exhaust. When Xiaodao came, I felt fully relaxed. He did all the painful procedures for me. What I had to do is resting on the bench, lying down on the operation bed, and stretching my arm under the X-ray.

The situation was more critical than I thought. Not only my forehead was hurt so badly that needed a sewing operation, but also my upper arm was broken, which meant I became a handicap man.

Xiaodao was so kind that he courted me back to my flat. He said:” I will accompany you all the night. I have the permission of my fiancé.”

I said, “No, you have done enough. Please go back and don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

In the midnight, I woke up and felt painful on my right arm. I knew that hard times had started in my life.



9 Responses to “告别断臂的日子”

  1. 鸦打 says:


  2. 谁谁 says:


  3. 月小刀 says:


  4. 厨娘 says:


  5. fenghua says:


  6. Littlebell says:


  7. wangpei says:

    to 小语:

    Thank you for your valuable proof-reading.

  8. 小语 says:

    i’m so sorry to hear that,but you are lucky bird to have such a knid friend in your life,don’t you think so?when we’ve suffered,they are the true feeling we can touch.
    but,if you don’t mind,i want to point out some mistakes when you write in a hurry:
    The expensive(lifesaving)ambulance,
    you suddenly becomes(become) invulnerable,

  9. AW says:


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