


We live together, Die alone.
But some of us shall survive.



6 Responses to “出门了”

  1. ewi says:

    bless you

  2. baibanbao says:

    some materials

    2007 USC-Annenberg Digital Future Project

    Political power and influence
    The Internet’s importance in political campaigns — Even though 2006 was an election year, a slightly lower percentage of respondents age 16 or older say that the Internet has become important to political campaigns; 59.5 percent agree or strongly agree that the Internet has become important for political campaigns — down from 64 percent in 2005.
    The Internet and political knowledge — Belief that the Internet can be a tool for learning about the political process continues to remain high, with 59.3 percent of users agreeing that by using the Internet, people can better understand politics — down marginally from 60.4 percent in 2005 (the peak year for this response in the study).
    Does the Internet give people more say in what the government does? — The number of Internet users who believe that using the Internet will give people more of a say in what government does declined.
    Less than 20 percent of users (18.9 percent) agree or strongly agree that the Internet gives people more of a say in government — down from 20.7 percent in 2005, and the lowest level in the five years this question has been asked in the Digital Future Project.
    Is the Internet a tool to help gain political power? — In spite of the recent growth of online communication by political parties and candidates, the number of users who say the Internet can be used as a tool to gain political power declined.
    After increasing in 2005, the number of users 16 and older who agree or strongly agree that using the Internet can give people more political power dropped to 31.4 percent, from 39.8 percent in 2005.
    More than half (53.6 percent) disagree or strongly disagree that the Internet can give people more political power — an increase from 49.5 percent in 2005.

  3. 牛三 says:


  4. xiaowai says:

    peipei hao shuai

  5. wangpei says:

    Brother, you know, indeed I look like the most handsome guy: Hurley(http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0411008/Ss/0411008/577_pre.jpg.html?hint=tt0411008).

  6. muzik says:

    原来王佩君有明星脸诶 真的是好像吖
    就是看不出传说中的胖来 未免美中不足 莫非是戒烟导致消瘦

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